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6 Ways To Fall in Love With Your Husband Again


Wondering how to fall in love with your husband again? Here are six strategies that will help you love him all over again.

No one told me, a dewy eyed young woman planning her wedding, that you’d need to fall in love with your husband again. And again. And again. And again.

But you do. Here are 6 strategies to fall back in love with your husband for those times when you (and your marriage) desperately need some TLC.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant as a cure-all for an abusive situation. If that’s what you are in, please talk to someone like your pastor or a counselor. Don’t stay in an unsafe place.

Sixteen years ago, I sat at work crying into my coffee because we had just survived completed our first month of marriage and I couldn’t imagine living a lifetime like that.

Nothing was wrong that I could put my finger on; it was just hard work. Like…really hard.

I loved my husband (madly!), but I doubted our ability to be “good” at this marriage thing. Only one month in and already our marriage needed some TLC!

Now, 18 years later, it still needs tending. Marriage is needy like that, my friend. But it’s so worth it!

Can I Fall In Love With My Husband All Over Again?

Have you asked that before? Are you asking it now? 

I would tell you that my husband and I have a great marriage…but I also have to be honest and tell you that there are nights I sat up wondering if I’d ever feel in love with him again.

If you’re there, my heart goes out to you. And my prayers. It’s a very hard place to be.

But yes, you can fall in love with him again. Because ultimately, love is a choice. But here are 6 action steps that will help you make it and breathe some much needed life into your relationship. They aren’t hard, but they will take some commitment on your part.

How To Fall In Love With Your Husband Again

married couple falling in love with your husband

1. Be Thankful For Him

If you’re struggling with loving him, this will feel hard and you most likely won’t want to do it. I get it. However, dig deep if you need. Choosing to see things in your husband that you can be thankful for is a powerful step toward falling in love with him and healing your relationship.

2. Be Kind To Him

It’s really hard to feel animosity towards someone you are going out of your way to be kind to. Look for ways to serve him, make him smile, lighten his load; be kind to your husband.

He may or may not appreciate it or reciprocate right now but that’s okay; you’re not doing this for the gratitude, but because you are making a conscious choice to fall in love with him again (and show it to him!).

3. Go On A Date Together

I’m always amazed at the number of couples who don’t date anymore, and yet I understand it because even consciously making an effort with my own hubby, it falls to the side because we’re so busy.

Dating is so much fun, though! Why do we give it up willingly?!

The simple answer is that life has a way of keeping you so busy once you’re settled into marriage and parenthood that it falls to the wayside. Ladies, we have got to stop letting that happen! Really.

And the secret to making date night happen is keeping it SIMPLE.

Elaborate plans often get derailed, but an at home date night you can usually make happen no matter what.

If we can’t grab a coffee or meal out, we’re having one at home. Grab a board game or (if you’re feeling spicy!) a fun “married game.”

If you can’t make that happen? At least have a cup of coffee together one morning a week because you want to strengthen your marriage.

I don’t know about you, but I want to fall in love with my man again and again.

So spruce up your outfit and hair, send him a text while he’s at work, and set some time aside for the two of you tonight (or one night soon).

Make an effort to feel better about yourself, and to show him he’s worth that effort. And ladies, do it even if you don’t totally want to.

Sometimes we get so used to not doing something that the idea of changing it is hard to adjust to. Your marriage is worth the effort, though! Fall in love with your husband again; don’t let your marriage go on auto-pilot…or even worse, into survival mode.

Check out this free date night pack! Plus, if you sign up for it, you can also check out our Date Night Bundle which comes with 101 Date Night Ideas, and 4 more At Home Date Night games to help you connect.

4. Have a Conversation With Each Other

It sounds silly, but as time goes on we forget to get lost in conversation rather than just sharing the necessary details of each day…or we have conversations with everyone else, but forget to talk to our spouse (who should be our best friend!).

If I’m not careful, I could go days at a time only talking with hubby about homeschooling, discipline challenges, and the items on the to-do list.

Do you do that, too? It’s crazy, but it happens.

Can you remember the days when you were just getting to know one another and you talked about dreams and plans and hopes and fears? All the time?

Talking is good for a relationship. It’s very good. And don’t forget to really listen to him, too.

Sometimes I get frustrated that my husband doesn’t want to just sit and talk with me about things, but then I realize that it’s because I don’t always listen when he has something to say.

Men may not pour their hearts out the same way we do, ladies, but they still want to be heard when they do speak. 

Talk about anything at all…but do your best to make sure you’re breaking out of habit and discussing more than day-to-day life.

Talk about current events, or a hobby you’d like to pick up, or a book or TV show. Just find ways to connect that are beyond your daily responsibilities.

Getting to know him all over again through conversations that go past home maintenance, budgeting, and kids is a great way to fall in love your husband again.

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