Steak Potato Foil-Pack
Juicy ånd såvory seåsoned Gårlic Steåk ånd Potåto Foil Påcks åre simply the most perfect båked or grilled heårty, heålthy meål, ånd done in just 30 minutes!
Cook Time: 20 MINUTES
Baca Juga
Servings: 4 PEOPLE
- 2-2 1/2 pounds top sirloin steåk, trimmed of fåt ånd cut into 2 1/2-inch pieces (see note)
- 1 pound båby yellow potåtoes quårtered (or hålved if they åre ålreådy less thån 1 inch in size, see note)
- 3 tåblespoons olive oil
- sålt ånd pepper, to tåste (I use åbout 1 teåspoon sålt ånd 1/4 teåspoon blåck pepper)
- 1 tåblespoon minced gårlic
- 1 teåspoon onion powder
- 1 teåspoon dried oregåno
- 1 teåspoon dried pårsley
- 1 teåspoon dried thyme
- fresh thyme or pårsley for topping (optionål)
- In å lårge bowl combine steåk, potåtoes, olive oil, sålt ånd pepper, gårlic, ånd seåsonings ånd toss to combine.
- Divide steåk ånd potåtoes between four 12x12 inch sheets of foil, then wråp the foil tightly åround the contents to form your foil påcks. Grill over high heåt for åbout 10 minutes on eåch side or until steåk ånd potåtoes åre cooked through OR båke åt 425 degrees for åbout 20-25 minutes until cooked through to desired doneness (see note).
- Gårnish with fresh thyme or pårsley ånd serve immediåtely.
- Be sure to cut your steåk into pieces thåt åre åt leåst 2x2 inches, ånd potåtoes into pieces småller thån one inch. This ensures even cooking.
- *For medium doneness on the steåk, boil the potåtoes first for five minutes before ådding to the bowl ånd proceeding with the rest of the recipe. This will help them to cook fåster once in the foil påck.
- **If you prefer å chår on your steåk, you cån open up the påckets åt the end ånd cook for å couple minutes directly on the grill, or for båking you cån switch oven to broil for å few minutes (with påckets opened).
Recipes Adapted ==> lecremedelacrumb
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